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单词 disposable income
释义  Related topics: Business, Economicsdisˌposable ˈincome noun [uncountable]  BPEthe amount of money you have left to spend after you have paid your taxes, bills etc 可支配收入〔完税并付清各种账款等之后所剩的钱〕Examples from the Corpusdisposable income• Economy: Do customers have enough disposable income?• In view of the high local disposable income, the potential for an evening dining-out market is clearly high. 4.• Eligibility is determined by a means test administered by the solicitor and based upon assessment of disposable income and capital.• The effect, of course, is to dampen the growth of disposable income.• The percentage of disposable income spent at grocery stores and supermarkets has been declining since the 1970s.• Real personal disposable income rose 15 percent over the period.• A Labour victory would have boosted their disposable income by £311, mainly because of the increase in child benefit.• The heavily restricted Internet deals appeal to people with disposable income and flexible schedules.From Longman Business Dictionarydisposable incomedisˌposable ˈincome [uncountable]ECONOMICS income that is available for someone to spend or save after they have paid tax and paid for the things that they need such as accommodation and foodPeople have more disposable income now that the economy is healthier. → incomedisˌposable ˈincome nounChineseSyllable  money Corpus left of have Business amount the you




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