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单词 dispensation
释义  Related topics: Christianity, Officials, Governmentdis·pen·sa·tion /ˌdɪspənˈseɪʃən, -pen-/ noun  1  [countable, uncountable]RRCPGO special permission from someone in authority, especially a religious leader, to do something that is not usually allowed 〔当权者,尤其是宗教领袖给予的〕特许 Caroline’s marriage was annulled by special dispensation from the church. 卡罗琳的婚姻是在教会的特许之下解除的。2  [uncountable] formalPG the act of providing people with something as part of an official process 提供,施予,实施dispensation of the dispensation of justice 伸张正义3. [countable] formalRRPG a religious or political system that has control over people’s lives at a particular time 〔某一时期控制人们生活的〕宗教[政治]制度Examples from the Corpusdispensation• One branch asked for a dispensation.• Legally, a dispensation could be made that would enable you to live on in the Porter house.• Perhaps disloyalty to an existing dispensation that has endowed one with one's privileges does look like radical chic.• The Secretary of State has also granted a general dispensation to members who are tenants of council houses.• However, they called for the maintenance of international sanctions until a new political dispensation was in place.• But I believe the town could make a special dispensation, if they cared to.• You may be able to get special dispensation from a rabbi to eat non-kosher food.• The dispensation of the land around Fort Ord should be a regional decision.• And for all this wonderful dispensation toward us, we confess..special dispensation• Is it true that accountants have a special dispensation?• But I believe the town could make a special dispensation, if they cared to.• But she has been given special dispensation to play in two events in her home state before that birthday.dis·pen·sa·tion nounChineseSyllable  authority, permission in Corpus from special someone




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