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单词 disinfect
释义 Word family  noun infection disinfectant adjective infectious infected verb infect ≠ disinfect adverb infectiously  Related topics: Cleaning, Drugs, medicines, Computersdis·in·fect /ˌdɪsənˈfekt/ verb [transitive]  1  DHCMDto clean something with a chemical that destroys bacteria 为…消毒,给…杀菌 First use some iodine to disinfect the wound. 先用碘酒给伤口消毒。 Disinfect the area thoroughly. 把这个区域彻底消毒。2. to run a special computer program to get rid of a computer virus 给〔计算机〕杀毒→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdisinfect• Keep kitchen countertops and other surfaces disinfected.• Books will be freeze-dried, disinfected and cleaned.• Live, disinfected Daphnia and mosquito larvae are popular.• It might be a long time before the field would be sufficiently disinfected for their tastes.• Once a surface is disinfected it tends to remain so until used.• If a disaster occurs it will be easy to disinfect the area thoroughly.• For a while, I did everything but disinfect the ashtrays.• The nurse cleaned and disinfected the cuts on his hands.• Disinfect the toilet regularly using bleach.• One innovation I propose is a separate handbasin for a disinfecting wash.dis·in·fect verbChineseSyllable  that Corpus a with something to clean chemical




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