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单词 discernment
释义  di·scern·ment /dɪˈsɜːnmənt $ -ɜːr-/ noun [uncountable] formal  1  TASTE IN CLOTHES, MUSIC ETCthe ability to make good judgments about people or about art, music, style etc 〔对人、艺术、音乐、时尚等的〕鉴赏力,识别能力 the woman’s taste and discernment 这女人的品位和鉴赏力2  when you notice or understand something 识别,理解 the discernment of opportunities 机会的发现Examples from the Corpusdiscernment• At the lexical level the frame of discernment consists of words expressed as ordered sets of phonemes.• But what is constituted by consciousness is the at least partial discernment of limitation.• According to the first view, inspiration is an enhancement of natural, rational discernment, not a suspension or abolition.• Some discernment she had, however, for had she not made most complimentary remarks about his filets de sole Murat?di·scern·ment nounChineseSyllable  to the good make judgments or about people art, Corpus about ability




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