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单词 disapproval
释义 Word family  noun approval ≠ disapproval adjective approving ≠ disapproving approved verb approve ≠ disapprove adverb approvingly ≠ disapprovingly  dis·ap·prov·al /ˌdɪsəˈpruːvəl/ ●●○ noun [uncountable]  DISAPPROVEan attitude that shows you think that someone or their behaviour, ideas etc are bad or not suitable 不赞同,反对 OPP approvaldisapproval of strong disapproval of the country’s human rights record 对该国人权记录的强烈不满with/in disapproval Baxter eyed our clothes with obvious disapproval. 巴克斯特打量我们的衣着,显然不满意。 Clarissa shook her head in disapproval. 克拉丽莎摇摇头表示反对。Examples from the Corpusdisapproval• To my childish imagination it seemed as if she was still alive to what was happening and was showing her disapproval.• She looked at our clothes with obvious disapproval.• But still, underneath the words of disapproval, I read the pleasure and the pride in his eyes.• Additionally, workers became even more open about expressing their approval or disapproval about proposed changes.• Peter was determined to go to art school, despite his parents' disapproval.• Or is it because in a way I share their disapproval?with/in disapproval• Do I hear you bristling with disapproval?• Holy-o shook his head in disapproval.• He was frowning, but not in disapproval of her.• Marius jerked his head at them in disapproval but I liked their Romany appeal.• His eyes seemed to burn through them in disapproval.• The nurse, mouth tight with disapproval, took the baby, and he was put unprotesting in his cot.• Party and Class All this fun and games is not looked upon with disapproval by the seniors in the Conservative Party.• More interesting will be the presence of Mikhail Gorbachev, whose reforms are viewed with disapproval and alarm in East Berlin.dis·ap·prov·al nounChineseSyllable  an someone you shows that attitude think that or Corpus




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