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单词 fertile
释义  Related topics: Soil, Biologyfer·tile /ˈfɜːtaɪl $ ˈfɜːrtl/ ●○○ adjective  1  TASfertile land or soil is able to produce good crops 肥沃的,富饶的 800 acres of fertile cropland 800英亩的肥沃耕地2  HBable to produce babies, young animals, or new plants 可繁殖的,能生育的;能结果的 OPP infertile Most men remain fertile into old age. 大多数男子直到老年还有生育能力。3. a fertile imagination/mind/brain IDEAan imagination, mind etc that is able to produce a lot of interesting and unusual ideas 丰富的想象力/主意多[有创造性]的头脑4  [only before noun]SITUATION a fertile situation is one in which something can easily develop and succeed 有助于…发展的 the fertile Philadelphia music scene 费城这片音乐沃土Examples from the Corpusfertile• That is why science has been so fertile.• The valley was fertile, and a good crop was a near certainty.• In this country, the plains states and the Southwest are fertile areas for a wide variety of game breeding.• He brought the fertile blackness of the earth with him.• fertile farmland• I know that negotiations do not only constitute a bargaining process, but also serve as fertile ground for creativity.• While most men remain fertile into old age, women do not.• Journey north through the fertile Kikuyu heartland to Nyeri where a buffet lunch will be served at the Outspan Hotel.• For instance, fertile land and buckets of rain lead Iowans to plant corn.• That period had made the city a fertile news ground for freelancers such as myself.• Farmers left the rocky hills of New England for the fertile plains of the Middle West.• This was a fertile source of incomprehension between him and Ellen.• This shrub likes sun and water as well as a fertile well-drained soil.Origin fertile (1400-1500) French Latin ferre “to carry, bear”fer·tile adjectiveChineseSyllable  soil Corpus fertile is land able or to




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