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单词 ferocity
释义  fe·ro·ci·ty /fəˈrɒsəti $ fəˈrɑː-/ noun [uncountable]  VIOLENTthe state of being extremely violent and severe 凶暴,残暴,凶猛ferocity of Detectives were shocked by the ferocity of the attack. 探员们对袭击的残暴程度感到震惊。Examples from the Corpusferocity• Further attacks escalated rapidly in extent and ferocity.• The suddenness and ferocity of the downpour had caught all three of them by surprise.• Whatever it was they were after, it was an unknown quantity, unknown, that is, except for a lethal ferocity.• What she was feeling now, however, was biting into her with relentless ferocity.• The war blazed on with renewed ferocity.• The knife had snapped in two from the ferocity of the attack.• the ferocity of the fighting in the former Yugoslavia• The ferocity of the piranha fish has made it famous.• The ferocity of the playing is impressive in and of itself.• Trolls are greatly feared because of their unthinking ferocity and indiscriminate appetite.fe·ro·ci·ty nounChineseSyllable  the severe and Corpus being extremely of state violent




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