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单词 endive
释义  Related topics: Plants, Fooden·dive /ˈendɪv $ ˈendaɪv/ noun [countable, uncountable]  1. HBPDF British English a vegetable with curly green leaves that you eat raw 苣荬菜2. American EnglishHBPDF a vegetable with long white bitter-tasting leaves that you eat raw or cooked 菊苣 SYN British English chicoryExamples from the Corpusendive• Endive: sometimes called frisée or curly endive.• Put lettuce, endive and watercress on two plates and pour over half the dressing. 3.• A frond of endive approached his lips, hovered, was gripped firmly by admirably white teeth.Origin endive (1300-1400) French Late Latin endivia, from Late Greek entubionen·dive nounChineseSyllable  a curly vegetable leaves green with Corpus




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