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单词 among
释义  a·mong /əˈmʌŋ/ ●●● S2 W1 (also amongst /əˈmʌŋst/) preposition  1  MIDDLEin or through the middle of a group of people or things 在…当中,为…所围绕 The girl quickly disappeared among the crowd. 女孩转眼消失在人群中。 I could hear voices coming from somewhere among the bushes. 我能听到灌木丛中某个地方传来说话的声音。 We walked among the chestnut woods on the mountain slopes. 我们走在山坡上的栗树林中。 She began rummaging among the books on her desk. 她开始在桌子上的一堆书中乱翻起来。 → between2  WITHwith a particular group of people 与〔某一群人〕在一起 Jim relaxed, knowing he was among friends. 吉姆知道周围都是朋友,放松了下来。3  EFFECT/INFLUENCEused to say that many people in a group have the same feeling or opinion, or that something affects many people in a group 在…群体中 The problem is causing widespread concern among scientists. 该问题在科学家中引起广泛关注。 The general opinion among police officers was that the law should be tightened. 警察普遍认为这条法律应该制定得更加严厉。 The changes will mean 7,000 job losses among railway workers. 这些变革意味着铁路工人中将有7,000人失业。4  INCLUDEused to talk about a particular person, thing, or group as belonging to a larger group 在…(人员)中,是…之一 She was the eldest among them. 她是他们当中年纪最大的。 Innocent civilians were among the casualties. 死伤者中有无辜平民。 My grandfather had among his possessions a portrait by Matisse. 我祖父有一幅马蒂斯画的肖像画。 Representatives were chosen by the students from among themselves. 代表由学生内部选举产生。5  among other things/places/factors etc INCLUDEused to say that you are only mentioning one or two people or things out of a much larger group 除了其他东西/地方/因素等 At the meeting they discussed, among other things, recent events in Japan. 会上除其他议题外,他们还讨论了日本近来发生的事件。6  SHAREif something is divided or shared among a group of people, each person is given a part of it 在…之间(分配) A father’s property was divided among his heirs. 父亲的财产在继承人之间分配。7  among yourselves/ourselves/themselves TALK TO somebodywith each other 在你们/我们/他们之间 The allies found it hard to agree among themselves. 盟友发现他们内部很难达成一致意见。 USAGE: Among, between• To talk about position, use among if there are more than two people or things around someone or something, and between if there is just one person or thing on each side: 表示所处的位置时,如果某人或某物周围有两个以上的人或物,要用among;如果每边只有一个人或物,要用betweenThey hid among the reeds. 他们躲在芦苇丛中。I put my bag down between my feet. 我把包放在地上,夹在双脚之间。• After words such as 'relationship' or 'difference', use between, even when there are more than two people or things: 即使有两个以上的人或物,在relationship,difference等词之后通常也不用among,而用between5the relationship between these three sectors of the economy这三个经济领域之间的关系nthe relationship between the three friends ✗Don't say: the relationship among the three friendsExamples from the Corpusamong• I saw him standing among a group of students.• Forbes dramatically increased his support among Republican voters statewide.• There is widespread concern among scientists about the safety of storing nuclear waste underground.• The prime minister was among the 300 people who attended the funeral.• Among the collection of photographs are two taken in Hamburg in 1911.• Yeltsin was among the first world leaders to arrive in Paris for the summit.• We helped Mom search for her wedding ring among the rocks below the boardwalk.• The house was hidden among the trees.• The letter is somewhere among these papers on her desk.• There were about twenty spectators, among whom were Bill, Maria and myself.among friends• Her father also told her that she would be among friends.• There are so many clients, peace should exist among friends.• There should be no need for secrets among friends.• A flushed and jolly character raises his glass among friends and family - how real, how reliable is that evidence?• Now he is among friends, and is usually cheerful.• But such conversations, unless they spring up spontaneously among friends, are usually poor and wretched things.• He wants to share it among friends as well as foes.• Others are widowed or divorced, and hate being the odd one out among friends who are all couples.Origin among Old English on gemonge, from on + gemong “crowd”a·mong preposition →USAGE1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  the of or middle in through Corpus a




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