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单词 demonstrate
释义 Word family  noun demonstration demonstrator adjective demonstrable demonstrative verb demonstrate adverb demonstrably demonstratively  dem·on·strate /ˈdemənstreɪt/ ●●○ W2 AWL verb  1  [transitive]PROVE to show or prove something clearly 说明;证明,论证,证实 The study demonstrates the link between poverty and malnutrition. 这项研究证明了贫困与营养不良之间的联系。demonstrate that Hitchcock’s films demonstrate that a British filmmaker could learn from Hollywood. 希区柯克的影片证明,英国电影制作人可以向好莱坞学习。demonstrate how/what/why etc This section will attempt to demonstrate how the Bank of England operates. 这一部分将试图说明英格兰银行是如何运作的。 The government now has an opportunity to demonstrate its commitment to reform. 政府现在有机会表明改革的决心了。2  [transitive]EXPLAIN to show or describe how to do something or how something works 示范,演示demonstrate how They’ll be demonstrating how to handle modern, high performance cars. 他们将演示如何操控现代化的高性能汽车。 Instructors should demonstrate new movements before letting the class try them. 教练应该先进行示范,再让全班学生去做新的动作。► see thesaurus at explain, show3  [intransitive]PROTEST to protest or support something in public with a lot of other people 游行,示威 Supporters demonstrated outside the courtroom during the trial. 审判期间,支持者们在法庭外示威。demonstrate against What are they demonstrating against? 他们在示威抗议什么?4  [transitive]PROVE to show that you have a particular ability, quality, or feeling 展示,表露出〔某种能力、品质或感情〕 He has demonstrated an ability to meet deadlines. 他展示了如期完成任务的能力。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusdemonstrate• But leadership, like art, can be demonstrated.• If you still don't understand, Marcia will be happy to demonstrate.• The studies demonstrate a clear link between smoking and heart disease.• More than a decade of performance and change has demonstrated a remarkably consistent, if counterintuitive, phenomenon.• Thousands of workers and students demonstrated against US involvement in the war.• His commitment to the company is demonstrated by his work on the project.• That this substance is divine and intelligent is demonstrated by the orderliness of the universe.• Aerobics instructors should always demonstrate each new movement first.• Brenda wanted to demonstrate her sympathy in a practical way.• A long-range effort from Eyjolfur Sverrisson was parried by Lukic and Walter demonstrated his predatory instincts ruthlessly inside the box.• He will also have demonstrated his willingness to leave a marriage.• Here are some examples that demonstrate how badly some students write their resumés.• A trainer came in to demonstrate how the new computer system worked.• Try to round off your answer by demonstrating how your old job has prepared you to do the job you are applying for.• Sloan demonstrated impressive leadership in building a company that took employees' needs into account.• Thousands of people demonstrated outside the parliament building last night.• Joe and Helyne Victor have also demonstrated parent power in their own family and to this entire business.• The President is anxious to demonstrate that he has a strong foreign policy.• I'm afraid this whole episode demonstrates that we have become less compassionate as a society.• The ski instructor began by demonstrating the correct way to turn.• The new law was intended to demonstrate the government's concern for the lowest paid workers.• Or perhaps the don't knows didn't know where to demonstrate their indecision.• You've got to be able to demonstrate to people that the union can help in these cases.• The Soviets had demonstrated unsuspected scientific and engineering skills.• The assessment center gives each applicant the opportunity to demonstrate whether they are suited to the work.demonstrate that• Study 1 demonstrated that drivers were substantially more likely to recall those situations in which they had experienced risk.• The Harlows have demonstrated that, in monkeys, these effects are slightly diminished rather than heightened by material influence.• It demonstrates that in the post-Cold War world, middle powers can avail themselves of new power to build coalitions.• It demonstrated that Payne was no longer a novice.• Scientific evidence demonstrates that smoking can cause birth defects.• In addition these dissociation profiles appear to demonstrate that the enhanced DNase I cleavage disappears more slowly than the actual footprint.• Only when Brearley demonstrated that the problem could be solved by carefully controlled heat treatment did the stainless-steel knife become widely used.• Drescher, however, has demonstrated that there were at least twenty-seven public meetings for anti-slave trade petitioning in 1788.• In the United States it has been clearly demonstrated that they do.demonstrate how• There's only one way you can cripple a bad scientist, and that's to demonstrate how bad his science is.• The event demonstrated how deeply seated were the suspicions of both sides, and how far apart their views.• The awards scheme, launched last year, aims to demonstrate how game shooting and conservation work for a better countryside.• After studying his agency's current advertising he worked out alternative campaigns, demonstrating how he would handle them.• Most of the examples demonstrate how power bases flowing from personality served to fuel strategies in all three success categories.• Earlier case studies demonstrated how this may be done.• A Colgate marketer demonstrates how to use the toothpaste and a toothbrush.• It also demonstrated how volatile the presidential race is, with change an ever-present participant.demonstrate against• Several thousand people came to demonstrate against abortion.Origin demonstrate (1500-1600) Latin demonstratus, past participle of demonstrare, from monstrare “to show”dem·on·strate verbChineseSyllable   or show something prove to clearly Corpus




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