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单词 demagogue
释义  Related topics: Politicsdem·a·gogue /ˈdeməɡɒɡ $ -ɡɑːɡ/ noun [countable]  PPa political leader who tries to make people feel strong emotions in order to influence their opinions – used to show disapproval 蛊惑民心的政客,煽动民众的政客〔含贬义〕 —demagogy, demagoguery noun [uncountable] —demagogic /ˌdeməˈɡɒɡɪk◂ $ -ˈɡɑː-/ adjectiveExamples from the Corpusdemagogue• As divided and unprepared democratic forces fumbled for a plan of action, demagogues would rush forward convincingly promising protection.• Instead, much detailed work was done by demagogues.• The danger apprehended that quack nostrums in public policy can be forced upon the voters by demagogues is demonstrably nonexistent.• The Senator was a gifted demagogue, with particular skill in manipulating press and television.• A dwarf bicycled on his hands and a standup comic shouted like a moustachioed demagogue at the furniture.• Even in his final months Clinton is unwilling to take on demagogues to his far right.• Newcastle is not remembered as a radical demagogue.Origin demagogue (1600-1700) Greek demagogos, from demos “people” + agogos “leading”dem·a·gogue nounChineseSyllable  tries political a people strong leader Corpus feel make who to




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