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单词 defibrillator
释义  de·fib·ril·la·tor /diːˈfɪbrəleɪtə $ -ər/ noun [countable]  a machine that gives the heart an electric shock to make it start beating again after a heart attack (心脏)除颤器Examples from the Corpusdefibrillator• These ranged from a peak flow meter and a sphygmomanometer to oxygen and a defibrillator.• Penders was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy in 1991 and decided to have a defibrillator installed Thursday as insurance against heart attacks.• A defibrillator can analyze the heart rhythm of a cardiac arrest victim and administer an electric shock.• During the six minutes before medics arrived, co-workers revived his heart rhythm with the help of the defibrillator, Wiley said.• The defibrillator will be kept where employees can get to it within three minutes, Weer·fib·ril·la·tor nounChineseSyllable  heart electric shock gives the Corpus machine to that a an




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