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单词 cyberspace
释义  Related topics: Computerscy·ber·space /ˈsaɪbəspeɪs $ -bər-/ noun [uncountable]  TDall the connections between computers in different places, considered as a real place where information, messages, pictures etc exist 网络空间 Students are discovering the endless amount of information in cyberspace. 学生在网络空间里不断发现无穷尽的信息。Examples from the Corpuscyberspace• All this points to a sea change in the world of computers and cyberspace.• Computers can construct and manipulate areas and objects in cyberspace, too, but they do so mostly under human guidance.• ESPN's sports website is one of the most visited sites in cyberspace.• Men see this as exercising their right to free speech, upholding a tradition in cyberspace forged by the early hacker community.• In cyberspace, this will happen to a greater extent.• Something similar may happen soon in the new frontier of cyberspace.• A hostile nation has attacked with the silent and invisible weapons of cyberspace.• But the CompuServe fiasco does underline two lessons about the emerging world of cyberspace.• Exponentially reproducing pornographic images are populating·ber·space nounChineseSyllable  between different in the computers Corpus all connections




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