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单词 cure-all
释义  ˈcure-all noun [countable]  SOLVE/DEAL WITH A PROBLEMsomething that people think will cure any problem or illness 万灵药,灵丹妙药cure-all for Investment is not a cure-all for every economic problem. 投资并不是可以解决所有经济问题的万灵药。Examples from the Corpuscure-all• The ancient Romans used garlic as a cure-all for everything from boils to bee stings.• Investment is often portrayed as a cure-all for the economic ills of rich countries.• The initiative is no cure-all, emphasizes Ross Forney, who led the supporters.• This legislation is no cure-all, but it will be an important improvement.• Vouchers as a ticket out of the public school systems is the cure-all of others.• He thinks the devices are important, but not the cure-all for cleaning up vehicle exhaust.• He viewed herbs as a virtual cure-all.ˈcure-all nounChineseSyllable  any will illness something cure people problem Corpus think or that




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