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单词 cup
释义  Related topics: Utensils, Drink, Measurement, Sport, Golfldoce_056_ecup1 /kʌp/ ●●● S1 W1 noun  1  for drinking 用来喝水 [countable]DFU a small round container, usually with a handle, that you use to drink tea, coffee etc 〔喝茶、咖啡等用的〕杯子 → saucer Mathew picked up the cup and sipped his coffee. 马修拿起杯子抿了口咖啡。 She put her cup and saucer down on the table. 她把杯碟放到桌上。tea/coffee cup Helen took the coffee cups into the kitchen. 海伦把咖啡杯拿进厨房。paper/plastic/china etc cup They drank cheap wine from plastic cups. 他们用塑料杯喝廉价葡萄酒。 →5  See picture of handle 柄, cup 杯子, saucer 杯托 ... →4  See picture of 见图 cup2  drink 饮料 [countable]DFD the liquid contained inside a cup 〔杯中的〕液体cup of Let’s go and have a cup of coffee. 我们去喝杯咖啡吧。 Will you stay for a cup of tea? 你愿意留下喝杯茶吗? Would you like another cup? 你要再来一杯吗?3  amount of liquid/food 液体/食物的量 [countable] a) a unit used in the US for measuring food or liquid in cooking, equal to eight fluid ounces or 237 millilitres 杯〔美国的烹饪计量单位,等于8液量盎司或237毫升〕 Mix the butter with one cup of powdered sugar until light and fluffy. 在黄油里加一杯糖粉,搅拌到松软的奶油状为止。 b) (also cupful /ˈkʌpfʊl/)TM the amount of liquid or food that a cup can hold 一杯,满杯 Breakfast consisted of half a cup of milk and a dry biscuit. 早餐是半杯牛奶和一片干饼干。4  sport competition 体育比赛 a) [countable]WIN a specially shaped silver container, often with two handles, that is given as a prize in a competition, especially a sports competition 奖杯,优胜杯 The president of the club came to present the cup to the winners. 俱乐部主席来给获胜者颁发奖杯。 b) [singular]DS a sports competition in which a cup is given as a prize 优胜杯赛 They’ve won the European Cup twice. 他们两次赢得欧洲杯赛。 Germany’s World Cup team 德国的世界杯赛球队5  round thing 圆形物 [countable]CF something round and hollow that is shaped like a cup 杯状物 The flowers’ white petals contrast handsomely with their lemon-yellow cups. 这种花的白色花瓣衬托浅黄色花萼,让人赏心悦目。 acorn cups 橡实的壳斗cup of She held it in the cup of her hand. 她把它捧在手心里。6. golf 高尔夫球 [countable] American EnglishDSG a hole in the ground that you have to try to hit the ball into in the game of golf 球洞7  clothing 衣服 [countable] a) the part of a bra that covers a woman’s breast 〔乳罩的〕罩杯 b) American English a jockstrap 〔男人运动时用的〕护裆,下体护身8  alcohol 含酒精饮料 [countable, uncountable]DFD British English a mixed alcoholic drink 〔含酒精的〕混合饮料 He’s gone to get me some fruit cup. 他去给我买果汁混合饮料了。9  not be your cup of tea spokenDON'T LIKE to not be the type of thing that you like 不感兴趣的东西,不对胃口的事物 Jazz just isn’t my cup of tea – I prefer classical music. 我就是不喜欢爵士乐——我喜欢古典音乐。10  in your cups British English old-fashionedDRUNK drunk, or when drunk 喝醉了;在喝醉时 By the time Anthony arrived, Richard was already deep in his cups. 安东尼来到时,理查德已经喝得大醉。 → eggcupn COLLOCATIONSADJECTIVES/NOUN + cup fullThe cup was full of hot tea.emptyA girl was clearing away the empty cups.a paper/plastic/china cup (=one made of paper etc)All they had to drink was warm beer in plastic cups.a coffee cupHe picked up the coffee cups and took them into the kitchen.a tea cup (also teacup)Mum put a tea cup and saucer on the table.verbsfill a cupAngie filled the cup and handed it to him.drain/empty a cup (=drink all the coffee, tea etc in it)He lifted his cup of coffee and drained it.phrasesa cup and saucerDo you prefer a mug or a cup and saucer?a set of cupsa set of beautiful blue coffee cupsExamples from the Corpuscup• Thoroughly mix the butter with 1 cup powdered sugar until light and fluffy.• Poor Vanessa was stabbing a cigarette, a cup of tea, another cigarette, hopping from one foot to the other.• You know, what you need is a cup of coffee, Mrs Lueger.• a cup and saucer• He lined up coffee cups, tea glasses, and dessert plates.• The fish came with a little cup of tartar sauce.• Strain fat from skillet and strain through paper towel into heatproof measuring cup.• The little brown bottle caught my eye again, and putting my cup and saucer down I uncapped and re-examined it.• She put Jake's cup away in her bedside locker.• The winner stood on the platform, holding the cup above her head.• The Queen presented the cup to the captain of the winning team.• She nodded and put the cup down.• Have some one put the cup or can about 8 to 12 inches in front of you on the floor.• When did Argentina win the World Cup?cup and saucer• A cup and saucer stand is $ 30.• It has eight plates, eight cups and saucers, a coffee pot, a creamer and a sugar bowl.• Dinner plate, £5.50; side plate, £3.50; espresso cup and saucer, £3.95.• As she fetched sugar and milk and her favourite cup and saucer, she made up her mind to break with him.• The table was set with matching cups and saucers, bright silverware, old plates and a small pitcher of milk.• The little brown bottle caught my eye again, and putting my cup and saucer down I uncapped and re-examined it.• Now he gapes at the cup and saucer, tottering at the end of his extended arm.• A frying pan, utensils, cups and saucers.cup of• Let me get you a cup of coffee.• She held it in the cup of her hand.• the cup of a flowerwon the ... Cup• In the ground it was, as Strach said, as if we'd won the cup or something.• Norton's Coin had won the Cheltenham Gold Cup.• Allan Wells had won the 1981 World Cup 100 metres here, fully vindicating his Olympic win of the previous year.• Rovers have won the Cup a record 22 times.• For Desert Orchid, it was a return to the course where he won the Gold Cup.• Manchester City had just won the League Cup and this was the night of their gala celebrations.• It was national absolution: they won the World Cup but we played football.fruit cup• A typical menu consisted of tomato surprise, assorted cold meats, sandwiches, fruit cup, cake, and hot coffee.• He knew there had been alcohol in the fruit cup, and plenty of it.cup2 verb (cupped, cupping) [transitive]  1  HOLDto hold something in your hands, so that your hands form part of a circle around it 〔双手〕捧,窝成杯状托住 He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her. 他双手捧住她的脸亲吻她。 Luke was sitting at his desk, one hand cupping his chin. 卢克坐在书桌前,一只手托住下巴。2  cup your hand(s) HBHto make a shape like a cup with your hand or hands 用手作杯状 He struck a match and cupped his hand around the flame. 他划了根火柴,窝起手遮住火焰。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuscup• Again she cupped her own mug in both hands and sat there sipping.• He leaned an elbow on the desk and cupped his chin in his hand.• Periodically, Felix will turn to Manny, cup his hand and explain to him what has been said.• Trying by cupping his hand over the clasps to avoid the penetrating clicks of opening, George lifted the lid.• Urquhart cupped the glass of wine in his hands.cupped ... face• Slowly he raised one hand and gently cupped her face.• He moved towards her and cupped her face in his hands.nthe CupCup, the British English  nan informal name for the fa cupOrigin cup1 Old English cuppe, from Late Latin cuppa, from Latin cupa “barrel”cup1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1cup2 verbCup, theLDOCE OnlineChinese  container, with small usually a Corpus a round




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