单词 |
Crusoe, Robinson |
释义 |
Robinson CrusoeCrusoe, Robinson n → Robinson CrusoeRobinson Cru·soe /ˌrɒbənsən ˈkruːsəʊ $ ˌrɑː-/ the main character in the book Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe. When Robinson Crusoe’s ship sinks, he manages to reach a desert island (=a small tropical island with no people living on it) where he builds a home. Later he meets a black man who he calls Man Friday and who becomes his servant and friend. They are both finally discovered by a British ship and taken home. If someone lives alone on an island, people sometimes compare them to Robinson Crusoe 鲁滨逊·克鲁索〔丹尼尔·笛福小说 《鲁滨逊漂流记》中的主人公。人们有时将独居小岛的人比作鲁滨逊·克鲁索〕 The explorer is a latter-day Robinson Crusoe. 那位探险家是当代鲁滨逊。Crusoe, RobinsonRobinson Cru·soeLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable |
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- Shrivel up
- Cooling
- Scenography
- Monopole
- On the chance of
- Announcing
- Revisal
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- “明”与“名”
- “明初四杰”之一的张羽
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- “明日”黄花非“昨日”
- “明曲之第一”——《四声猿》
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- “明理省事”,此四字学者之要务。
- “明理省事”甚难,此四字终身理会不尽,得了时无往而不裕如。
- “明白简易”,此四字可行之终身。役心机,扰事端,是自投剧网也。
- “昏弱”二字,是立身大业障,去此二字不得,做不出一分好人。
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