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单词 cross-selling
释义  ˌcross-ˈselling noun [uncountable]  when one company helps to sell another company’s products by, for example, advertising the second company’s products at the same time as its own 交叉销售,交互销售〔一公司在做广告时顺带帮助介绍另一公司产品的销售方式〕From Longman Business Dictionarycross-sellingˈcross-ˌselling noun [uncountable]MARKETING when one company helps another company to sell its products by selling or advertising them with its own productsFinancial institutions are becoming increasingly interested in cross-selling credit card, checking, and other types of account to customers.ˌcross-ˈselling nounChineseSyllable  one sell company company’s to when helps products another Business




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