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单词 cross-country
释义  Related topics: Sportˌcross-ˈcountry1 adjective [only before noun]  1  DSacross fields or not along main roads 越野的 cross-country running 越野跑 We took a cross-country route instead of the motorway. 我们走越野线路而不是高速公路。 →4  See picture on 见图 Page A9 Outdoor pursuits 户外活动2  from one part of the country to the other 穿越全国的,跨越全国的 cross-country flights 国内航班 —cross-country adverb We rode cross-country to the village. 我们越野驾车来到这个村庄。Examples from the Corpuscross-country• Until the break-in, he had planned to use it that summer on a cross-country bicycle trip.• He's on a cross-country flight from Los Angeles to Atlanta.• It helps if you have had experience over different types of cross-country jumps - like ditches and water.• You are pitting the stamina of a sprinter against the rigours of a cross-country race.• That, in turn, could link up with the cross-country route near Aylesbury.• Denise enjoys cross-country running.• The national museums were dark as well, and the National Mall was filled with cross-country skiers.• Justin is on a cross-country trip.• By now the cross-country vehicle had disgorged its complement of heavyweight occupants, also dressed in identical blue suits.Related topics: Other sportscross-country2 noun (plural cross-countries) [countable, uncountable]  DSOa race that involves running or skiing across countryside and fields, not on a track, or the sport of doing this 越野赛跑;越野滑雪比赛;越野运动ˌcross-ˈcountry1 adjectivecross-country2 nounChineseSyllable  across main or Corpus along not fields roads




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