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单词 crippling
释义  crip·pling /ˈkrɪplɪŋ/ adjective  1  causing so much damage or harm that something no longer works or is no longer effective 极有害的,损害严重的 the crippling effects of war on the economy 战争给经济造成的毁灭性影响2. a crippling disease or condition causes severe pain and makes it difficult or impossible for someone to walk 〔疾病引起的剧烈疼痛让人〕行走困难的,无法行走的 → disablingExamples from the Corpuscrippling• In one year under Labour, borrowing reached a crippling 9 percent. - the equivalent of £55 billion today.• Alzheimer's disease is one of the most crippling and distressing diseases of the elderly.• This had a crippling effect on the worse off at a crucial stage of recovery from the Famine.• Fines were also imposed and crippling fines were threatened.• Most of the surrounding marshland had fallen to the crippling infection.• A leadership style that has made her a remarkably effective prime minister would be a crippling liability in the White House.• These protests were added to a series of crippling miners' strikes which had begun in early March.• Within large-scale industry, the crippling specialisation of the individual machine-minders is one aspect of the division of labour.crip·pling adjectiveChineseSyllable  damage so causing Corpus much that or harm




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