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单词 cramp
释义  Related topics: Illness & disabilitycramp1 /kræmp/ noun  1  [countable, uncountable]MI a severe pain that you get in part of your body when a muscle becomes too tight, making it difficult for you to move that part of your body 痛性痉挛;痉挛,抽筋 Several players were suffering from cramp. 有几名球员抽筋了。 muscle cramps 肌肉痉挛have/get (a) cramp One of the swimmers got cramp and had to drop out of the race. 有一名游泳选手抽筋了,只好退出比赛。 → writer's cramp2. (stomach) cramps [plural]MI severe pains in the stomach, especially the ones that women get when they menstruate 〔尤指女性经期的〕(腹部)绞痛Examples from the Corpuscramp• The parasite, originating in human fecal matter, in turn causes diarrhea, fatigue, loss of appetite and cramps.• Drinking is a safeguard, but huge amounts of water may overwhelm the gastrointestinal tract, causing cramps, bloating, nausea.• He eventually received a stack of complaints about adverse reactions, including cramps, nausea, heart palpitations, and severe diarrhea.• Leg cramps also occurred in about 5 percent of women on raloxifene compared with 1. 5 percent on placebo.• Workers have attributed skin rashes, dizziness, muscle cramps and miscarriages to the chemicals and physical hardship they endure.• Muscle cramps often happen when you exercise in hot weather.• Later in the dressing room, everyone was suffering cramps.• He pulled his toes backwards, hard, to ease the cramp.have/get (a) cramp• I got cramp Did you take too little or too much liquid on board?• I got cramp in my leg and I just couldn't get out of the chair.• Yet the more she sipped the more sick she felt; and then she began to have a cramp in her stomach.cramp2 verb  1  PREVENT[transitive] to prevent the development of someone or something 限制,束缚〔某人的发展〕 SYN hinder, restrict Stricter anti-pollution laws may cramp economic growth. 更为严厉的反污染法有可能会限制经济增长。2  cramp somebody’s style informalLIMIT to prevent someone from behaving in the way they want to 束缚某人的手脚,限制某人 Paul said he didn’t want Sarah to come along because she cramps his style. 保罗说他不要萨拉一起去,因为她会限制他的自由。3  [intransitive, transitive] (also cramp up) to get or cause cramp in a muscle 开始抽筋;引起〔肌肉〕抽筋 He cramped in the last 200 metres of the race. 比赛到最后200米时他开始抽筋。 Sitting still for so long had cramped her muscles. 坐着不动这么久使她肌肉抽筋了。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuscramp• His muscles cramped so severely he had to stop playing.• Federal guidelines are cramping the state's ability to adjust its own budget.Origin cramp1 (1300-1400) Old French crampe, perhaps from Low German krampe; → CRAMP2 cramp2 (1500-1600) Partly from → CRAMP1; partly from cramp “tool for holding things together” ((14-21 centuries)), from Low German krampe “hook”cramp1 nouncramp2 verbChinese  in you get a severe Corpus pain that




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