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单词 cowslip
释义  Related topics: Plantscow·slip /ˈkaʊˌslɪp/ noun [countable]  HBPa small European wild plant with sweet-smelling yellow flowers 黄花九轮草,野樱草Examples from the Corpuscowslip• It was a good cowslip year.• Removing a plug of turf with the planter and replacing it with a pot-grown cowslip takes seconds.• Murdo: Course turned oot we had a choice between his homebrew. her cowslip wine or the local single malt.• Bright yellow walls and coordinating curtains in Peony in cowslip multi white, £12.95 per metre, complete the look.• In spite of his indifference, it was exquisite: the ditch banks were creamy with cowslips and lilac with cuckoo flower.Origin cowslip Old English cuslyppe “cow dung, cowslip”; probably because it was believed to grow from cow dungcow·slip nounChineseSyllable  plant a European Corpus sweet-smelling small wild with




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