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单词 cover charge
释义  Related topics: Foodˈcover charge noun [countable]  DFmoney that you have to pay in a restaurant in addition to the cost of the food and drinks, especially when there is a band or dancing 〔尤指有乐队或舞蹈表演的餐厅等的〕服务费Examples from the Corpuscover charge• On Wednesday and Thursday nights, the $5 cover charge is reduced to $3.• The Stud had a three-dollar cover charge.From Longman Business Dictionarycover chargeˈcover charge [countable] COMMERCEan amount of money you have to pay at some restaurants and clubs in addition to the cost of food and drinks → chargeˈcover charge nounChineseSyllable  that Business in Corpus to money you pay have




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