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单词 court-martial
释义  Related topics: Law, Militaryˌcourt-ˈmartial1 / $ ˈ. ˌ../ noun  SCLPM[countable, uncountable] a court that judges soldiers etc who may have broken military law, or an occasion when this judgment is made 军事法庭;军法审判 Navy commanders recommended that he be tried by court-martial. 海军指挥官建议把他送交军事法庭审判。Examples from the Corpuscourt-martial• Isiah Chestnut, has been discharged in lieu of a court-martial.• The outcome - a court-martial and a dishonourable discharge.• Risking a court-martial, he returned to Rangoon to join Chennault.• A court-martial could have brought a discharge and jail.• Corporal Spencer will be held in jail until his court-martial in 90 days.• The court-martial found Captain Faulknor carried no blame and was acquitted.Related topics: Law, Militarycourt-martial2 verb (court-martialled, court-martialling British English, court-martialed, court-martialing American English) [transitive]  SCLPMto hear and judge someone’s case in a military court 以军法审判 The drill instructor was court-martialled for having sex with a trainee. 军训教官因为和一名受训学员发生性关系而受到军法审判。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuscourt-martial• The Army decided against court-martialing him as a deserter.• They'd court-martial me, you know that?ˌcourt-ˈmartial1 nouncourt-martial2 verbChineseSyllable  who etc judges a soldiers court may Corpus have that




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