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单词 couple
释义 Word family  noun couple coupling verb couple  cou·ple1 /ˈkʌpəl/ ●●● S1 W1 AWL noun  1  a couple a) TWOtwo things or people of the same kind 一对,一双 SYN a fewa couple of There are a couple of girls waiting for you. 有两个女孩子在等你。 b) FEW/NOT MANYa small number of things 一些,几个 I just need to make a couple more calls. 我还要打几个电话。a couple of You’ll be all right in a couple of days. 过几天你就会好的。2  [countable]SYMARRY two people who are married or having a sexual or romantic relationship 一对夫妇;一对情侣 a newly married couple 一对新婚夫妇 the couple next door 隔壁的那对夫妇n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: two people who are married or having a sexual or romantic relationshipadjectivesa young/middle-aged/elderly coupleA young couple with a baby have just moved into the house next door.a married coupleUnder the new rules, a married couple will now receive £20 a week extra.a newly married couple (=having married not long ago)Many newly married couples cannot afford to buy their own unmarried coupleShe rented the room to a young, unmarried couple.a childless couple (=without children)Are childless couples more or less likely to split up?a retired couple (=having finished working at the end of their working lives)The house is suitable for a retired couple.the happy couple (=the bride and bridegroom at their wedding)Guests stood around the happy couple, their glasses raised.a perfect couple (=a couple that seem very suitable for each other)Emily and John seemed a perfect couple.a courting couple old-fashioned (=having a romantic relationship, often planning to get married later)The path by the river is a popular area for courting couples.phrasesthey make a lovely couple (=look very attractive together/suit each other well)You two would make a lovely couple.Examples from the Corpuscouple• And I've seen Fred a couple of times in the last few years.• It was a couple of hours before I could get back to Eleanor Darcy.• An elderly couple live next door.• An elderly couple was sitting on the park bench.• An entrepreneurial couple we talked to had always wanted to run a bed-and-breakfast.• Most bankruptcies involve couples who jointly file a petition to have their debts wiped out.• Shirley and Bob are a young married couple with two small children.• The house was bought by a young married couple.• They're a nice couple, aren't they?• By making breaking up harder to do, supporters believe that couples will focus more on staying together.• However, away from the cameras and microphones, the couple argued continually.• The couple fell in love before they had even set eyes on each other during a six-month long distance courtship.• the couple who live next door to me• He intends to invite some of these couples and top fertility clinic experts to appear before his panel.• It's increasingly common for unmarried couples to live together.• A young couple were walking hand in hand along the beach.Related topics: Transportcouple2 AWL verb  1  [transitive]TTJOIN something TOGETHER to join or fasten two things together 〔把两件东西〕结合,连接couple something to something Each element is mathematically coupled to its neighbours. 每个元件都与相邻的元件精确地接合。2. [intransitive] formalSYSEX/HAVE SEX WITH to have sex 交配,交媾3 couple something with something phrasal verb WITHif one thing is coupled with another, the two things happen or exist together and produce a particular result 〔某物〕加上〔某物〕 SYN combine Lack of rain coupled with high temperatures caused the crops to fail. 雨量少加上高温导致农作物歉收。n Grammar Couple with is usually passive.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuscouple• Efficiency is improved by coupling large numbers of boxcars together.• This meant, I assumed, that men coupled on the premises.• And Feinstein had voted for an earlier version when it was coupled with a minimum wage increase.• But after three relatively small grape harvests in a row coupled with continuing strong consumer demand, grape prices continue to increase.• This must be coupled with the creation of an attractive environment, through the transformation of derelict sites.Origin couple1 (1200-1300) Old French cople, from Latin copula; → COPULAcou·ple1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1couple2 verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  people things two the same Corpus or of




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