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单词 council of war
释义  ˌcouncil of ˈwar noun (plural councils of war) [countable]  a meeting to decide how to deal with a particular problem – used humorously 〔为处理某一问题而召开的〕紧急会议〔幽默用法〕Examples from the Corpuscouncil of war• That night Confederate commander Pemberton called a council of war.• On the Union side, General Meade assembled his corps commanders for a council of war.• Nell's lamp softly illuminated their faces as they held a council of war.• A council of war was held and it was decided to resume operations at 5 am.• Taking over the monastic premises, there and then a hurried council of war was called.• All of these facts were brought out in the council of war..• They bumped into him as they went back through the wire and held a whispered council of war.ˌcouncil of ˈwar nounChineseSyllable  problem meeting a how Corpus with decide to a deal particular to




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