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单词 cosmopolitan
释义  Related topics: Nationality & racecos·mo·pol·i·tan1 /ˌkɒzməˈpɒlətən◂ $ ˌkɑːzməˈpɑː-/ adjective  1  SANRACEa cosmopolitan place has people from many different parts of the world – use this to show approval 〔指地方〕世界性的,国际性的,全球性的〔含褒义〕 a vibrant cosmopolitan city 一个充满活力的国际性都市 a lively hotel with a cosmopolitan atmosphere 一家有着国际化氛围的、热闹的宾馆2  EXPERIENCEDa cosmopolitan person, belief, opinion etc shows a wide experience of different people and places 〔人〕见多识广的;〔信仰、意见等〕显示丰富阅历的 Brigitta has such a cosmopolitan outlook on life. 布丽吉塔的人生观非常豁达。Examples from the Corpuscosmopolitan• They date and marry stars, dress in designer clothes, and are phenomenally rich and cosmopolitan.• The thing I like most about living in London is that it's so cosmopolitan.• The cosmopolitan city of Cagliari is only 25 miles away.• Istanbul is a great cosmopolitan city, situated between East and West.• She grew up in an apartment in a cosmopolitan district of Chicago.• She describes her fascinating cosmopolitan friends, and peculiar little museums she knows about, and wonderful cheeses.• The student body is cosmopolitan, including individuals from all continents.• With its vintage cable cars and cosmopolitan restaurants, the city is brimming with urbane sophistication.• Barcelona feels a lot more cosmopolitan than other Spanish cities.• They lend the place a certain cosmopolitan tone.• And next Wednesday sees probably the biggest and most cosmopolitan trade wine show ever staged in the province.• Alexander, who speaks six languages, had a very cosmopolitan upbringing.cosmopolitan2 noun [countable]  TRAVELsomeone who has travelled a lot and feels at home in any part of the world 游历四方的人;四海为家的人Examples from the Corpuscosmopolitan• Of course, better lounges and bartenders understand the classical value of martinis and cosmopolitans.• Hassan is a French-speaking cosmopolitan.• Locals were found to have more power than cosmopolitans.• Vernacular cosmopolitans are compelled to make a tryst with cultural translation as an act of survival.nCosmopolitan (also Cosmo infml --) trademark  na monthly magazine for women, which is produced in separate editions in the US, the UK, and many other countries. It is aimed at young modern independent women and deals with subjects such as fashion, work, and sex.Origin cosmopolitan1 (1600-1700) cosmopolite “cosmopolitan person” ((17-21 centuries)), from Modern Latin cosmopolites, from Greek, from kosmos ( → COSMOS) + polites “citizen”cos·mo·pol·i·tan1 adjectivecosmopolitan2 nounCosmopolitanLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  from different has place cosmopolitan people Corpus a many




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