随便看 |
- not move a muscle
- not ... much
- not much
- not much good
- not much to be said for
- not much to be said for doing
- not much to be said for doing something
- not much to be said for doing sth
- not much to be said for something
- not much to be said for sth
- not nearly
- not necessarily
- not/never be (a great) one for (doing) something
- not/never be one to do something
- not/never in a million years
- not/never in your wildest dreams
- not/no more than something
- not none of concern
- not now
- not on any account
- not once
- not one
- not one/an iota
- not one bit
- not one iota
- Lodging
- Potentiality
- Potentate
- Flagon
- Cudgel
- Miscible
- Power breakfast
- Thou
- Power steering
- Powerlessness
- 爵士舞
- 爵禄恩宠,圣人未尝不以为荣,圣人非以此为加损也。朝廷重之以示劝,而我轻之以视高,是与君忤也,是穷君鼓舞天下之权也。故圣人虽不以爵禄恩宠为荣,而未尝不荣之,以重帝王之权,以示天下帝王之权之可重,此臣道也。
- 爵高者,人妒之;官大者,主恶之;禄厚者,怨逮之
- 父不慈则子不孝,兄不友则弟不恭,夫不义则妇不顺。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 父亲南怀瑾
- 父亲手帕的用途
- 父亲晚年的追求
- 父亲留下遗嘱之谜
- 父亲的布鞋母亲的胃
- 父亲的遗憾
- 父亲老了以后
- 父亲节陪公公看电影
- 父亲那沉沉的爱
- 父兄有善行,子弟学之或无不肖;父兄有恶行,子弟学之则无不肖。可知父兄教子弟,必正其身以率之,无庸徒事言词也。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 父兮生我,母兮鞠我。拊我畜我,生我育我,顾我复我,出人腹我。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- Registered nurse句子
- Running mate句子
- Inauguration day句子
- Voltage difference句子
- Rhymed句子
- Asuncion句子
- Legal power句子
- Downdraft句子
- High-toned句子
- Overthrew句子
- Pontiac句子
- Preschooler句子
- Butterscotch句子
- Crew cut句子
- Prober句子