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单词 dappled
释义  Related topics: Coloursdap·pled /ˈdæpəld/ adjective  CCmarked with spots of colour, light, or shade 有花斑的;有亮斑的;斑驳的 the dappled shade of the trees 斑驳的树影Examples from the Corpusdappled• Blue-winged dragons o'er dappled Cam skimming, Forked tailed martins, dipping and winging.• He put his head next to mine, as we looked up at the few small, dappled clouds.• At first it appeared to be empty, but then, on the dappled ground, I saw a rock python.• The dappled night shadows, the inky blue trees sway lightly in the breeze.• But it does best in the dappled shade you get under shrubs or woodland trees.• Plant soft-leaved species, susceptible to sun-scorch, in dappled shade.• The golden, spotted coat mirrors the dappled sunlight of the forest.• By and large, roses are for open situations and full sun, not dappled sunlight or shade.dap·pled adjectiveChineseSyllable  with colour, spots marked light, of shade or Corpus




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