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单词 constitutionality
释义  Related topics: Government, Lawcon·sti·tu·tion·al·i·ty /ˌkɒnstətjuːʃəˈnæləti $ ˌkɑːnstətuː-/ noun [uncountable]  PGSCLthe quality of being acceptable according to a constitution 符合宪法,合宪性 A decision on the proposal’s constitutionality still has to be made. 这个提议是否符合宪法尚待确定。Examples from the Corpusconstitutionality• The provision restricting investment income was also thought to be of dubious constitutionality.• The Basic Law identifies constitutionality with substantive democratic legitimacy.• The Equal Access Act was challenged in several cases, raising questions about its constitutionality as violative of the establishment clause.• No sooner had voters approved Prop. 209 than civil rights lawyers filed appeals challenging its constitutionality.• Then they filed another appeal in the federal courts challenging the constitutionality of the death penalty.• If we consider the independence of the Judiciary, the Supreme Court has the right to determine the constitutionality of all legislation.• That ruling, however, left open the question of the constitutionality of prayer that students themselves plan or arrange.• The Supreme Court agreed to review the constitutionality of the 1989 law.• The decision upheld the constitutionality of two programmes by the Federal Communications Commission.con·sti·tu·tion·al·i·ty nounChineseSyllable  constitution acceptable of a the Corpus to being quality according




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