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单词 conscript
释义  Related topics: Militarycons·cript1 /kənˈskrɪpt/ verb [transitive]  1  PMto make someone join the army, navy etc 征召〔入伍〕 SYN American English draftconscript somebody into something Young Frenchmen were conscripted into the army and forced to fight in Algeria. 法国的年轻人应召入伍,被迫前往阿尔及利亚作战。2. JOIN AN ORGANIZATIONto make someone become a member of a group or take part in a particular activity 吸纳…为成员,使加入 SYN recruit→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusconscript• Such were the men Lincoln and Stanton were proposing to conscript.• To conscript more victims, you need a proper network.• Governor Davis wanted to conscript parents as homework helpers.Related topics: Militarycon·script2 /ˈkɒnskrɪpt $ ˈkɑːn-/ noun [countable]  PMsomeone who has been made to join the army, navy etc 被征召入伍者 SYN American English draftee a young army conscript 一位被征召入伍的年轻士兵Examples from the Corpusconscript• I have an introduction to L, an army conscript.• A nationwide census, carried out every three years, was used to draft conscripts.• Some have conscript armies, others do not.• She could do without large conscript armies to defend land frontiers and needed long-service troops who could be employed overseas for long periods.• Many conscripts - they make up 65 percent of the armed forces - receive only the most basic training.• The average number of conscripts in training has fallen from 80,000 to about 15,000.• Professional and motivated as officers and commanders of the national armed forces might be, what of conscripts?• The army had to put down, with much bloodshed, bread riots in 1977 and protests by police conscripts in 1985.Origin conscript1 (1800-1900) Latin conscriptus, past participle of conscribere “to make a member of something”, from com- ( → COM-) + scribere “to write” conscript2 (1800-1900) French conscrit, from Latin conscriptus; → CONSCRIPT1cons·cript1 verbcon·script2 nounChineseSyllable  join make navy the army, to someone Corpus etc




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