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单词 conquer
释义  Related topics: Military, Other sportscon·quer /ˈkɒŋkə $ ˈkɑːŋkər/ ●●○ verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]PM to get control of a country by fighting 征服 The Normans conquered England in 1066. 诺曼人于 1066 年征服英格兰。 Egypt was conquered by the Persian King Kambyses. 埃及被波斯国王冈比西斯征服。2  [intransitive, transitive]BEAT/DEFEAT to defeat an enemy 击败,战胜 The Zulus conquered all the neighbouring tribes. 祖鲁人打败了所有相邻的部落。3  [transitive]CONTROL to gain control over something that is difficult, using a lot of effort 克服;制伏conquer your nerves/fear She was determined to conquer her fear of flying. 她决心克服对乘飞机的恐惧。 efforts to conquer inflation 控制通货膨胀的努力 drugs to conquer the disease 医治这种疾病的药物4  [transitive]DSODLO to succeed in climbing to the top of a mountain when no one has ever climbed it before 成功登上〔从未有人攀登过的山顶〕,征服 an attempt to conquer the peaks of Everest 征服珠穆朗玛峰的尝试5  [transitive]SUCCESSFUL to become very successful in a place 在〔某地〕大获成功;征服 In the last few years, the company has succeeded in conquering the European market. 近几年里这家公司成功地征服了欧洲市场。 —conqueror noun [countable] —conquering adjective conquering heroes 凯旋的英雄们→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusconquer• The Zulus conquered all the neighboring tribes.• They want the women to be a sort of role model for them, out there conquering and achieving.• Sailors travelled to the New World with the urge to conquer and explore.• He was using the treaty not so much to conquer as to acquire legitimately what he regarded as his own by right.• Each country has its own geography where the spirit dwells and where physical force can never conquer even an inch of ground.• Julius Caesar conquered Gaul, which we know today as France.• Ari not only conquered his drinking problem, but he's found a new career.• Rich had conquered his own temper enough to take and not to spoil this rare second shot at school.• The Yasa says that we can enslave only those we conquer in battle.• Sir Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing made history in 1953 by conquering Mount Everest.• Hernan Cortes led Spanish troops to conquer the Aztecs.• Consider this stirring quotation and its possible ecological implications: We must discover and conquer the country in which we live.• So, if legions from the north had conquered the south, the spirit of the south was defeating the north.• Disney's quest is to conquer the worlds of entertainment and leisure.conquer your nerves/fear• Five minutes later she had conquered her nerves and made two concrete decisions.• Janine conquered her fear before I did.• Claudia threw herself into the rehearsal for the show, trying to conquer her nerves by sheer will-power.• We have to learn to communicate and that means conquering our fear of that process.Origin conquer (1200-1300) Old French conquerre, from Latin conquirere “to look for, collect”, from com- ( → COM-) + quaerere “to ask, search”con·quer verbChineseSyllable  a by to fighting of Corpus country control get




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