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单词 conjure
释义  Related topics: Performing, Magiccon·jure /ˈkʌndʒə $ ˈkɑːndʒər, ˈkʌn-/ ●○○ verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]APROM to perform clever tricks in which you seem to make things appear, disappear, or change by magic 变魔术,变戏法;用魔术变出 The magician conjured a rabbit out of his hat. 魔术师从帽子里变出一只兔子来。2  [transitive]CAUSE to make something appear or happen in a way which is not expected 使〔某物〕突然出现[发生] He has conjured victories from worse situations than this. 在比这更糟的情况下,他都出人意料地取得过胜利。3. a name to conjure with NAME OF A PERSONthe name of a very important person 重要人物的名字4 conjure something ↔ up phrasal verb a) THINK something/HAVE A THOUGHTto bring a thought, picture, idea, or memory to someone’s mind 使浮现于脑海,使想起conjure up images/pictures/thoughts etc (of something) Dieting always seems to conjure up images of endless salads. 节食似乎总是让人想到不计其数的色拉。b) GETto make something appear when it is not expected, as if by magic 魔术般地变出〔某物〕 Somehow we have to conjure up another $10,000. 我们得想办法再弄到一万美元。c) ROMto make the soul of a dead person appear by saying special magic words 念咒使〔鬼魂〕出现,召〔魂〕→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusconjure• Memories grow less vivid, recent experiences are unshared, and imagined caresses across the kilometres become harder to conjure.• David conjured an endless succession of rabbits out of his hat.• In women's magazines and educational material the apple conjures good food and health.• Fused, however, they metamorphosed into something that conjured improbable visions.• The threat of computer terrorists may be enough to conjure money for research from Congress.• And now the night conjured up from the waters a gluey fog.• Even now I find it harder to conjure up memories of Kennedy, harder to fall back under that inexplicable spell.• Through simple disuse and lack of feedback, she may stop conjuring up stories.• I conjured up visions of wild mushroom risotto, tiramisu, Cherry, Garcia ice cream, and currant scones.• It will take a masterly spin doctor to conjure upbeat images from a bleak Kansas youth.Origin conjure (1200-1300) Old French conjurer, from Latin, from com- ( → COM-) + jurare “to swear”con·jure verbChineseSyllable  perform seem which you in clever to tricks Corpus




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