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单词 align
释义  a·lign /əˈlaɪn/ ●○○ verb  1  [transitive]UNITE to publicly support a political group, country, or person that you agree with 公开支持;与…结盟align yourself with somebody/something Church leaders have aligned themselves with the opposition. 教会领袖和反对派站在同一阵线上。 a country closely aligned with the West 与西方亲近的一个国家2  ARRANGE A GROUP OF THINGS OR PEOPLE[intransitive, transitive] to arrange things so that they form a line or are parallel to each other, or to be in a position that forms a line etc (使)排成一直线;使平行 The desks were neatly aligned in rows. 书桌一行行排得整整齐齐。 Make sure that all the holes align. 确保所有的洞眼成一条直线。3  [transitive] to organize or change something so that it has the right relationship to something else 使一致be aligned with something This policy is closely aligned with the goals of the organization. 这一政策与该机构的目标非常一致。n Grammar Align is usually passive in this meaning.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusalign• You want to see how defenses align against your particular formation and see how they respond to a particular play.• When I get the two magnets properly aligned on either side of the pad, see how they move in unison?• All adjoining panels should be pressed evenly together ensuring all the panels are aligned squarely to each other.• Overhead the beautiful stars flickered and aligned themselves into patterns.• When lava solidifies, its tiny ferrous particles align themselves, like magnetic needles, with the earth's magnetic field.• More than 50 seats were won by independents, many of whom are closely aligned with Mr Khatami's conservative foes.closely aligned• Love and pity are closely aligned, didn't you know?• Deng closely aligned himself with this stance.• After their father's death, it was Louis whose interests proved more closely aligned to Charles's.• Again, this is where sculpture is closely aligned to social and political history.• More than 50 seats were won by independents, many of whom are closely aligned with Mr Khatami's conservative foes.closely aligned• Love and pity are closely aligned, didn't you know?• Deng closely aligned himself with this stance.• After their father's death, it was Louis whose interests proved more closely aligned to Charles's.• Again, this is where sculpture is closely aligned to social and political history.• More than 50 seats were won by independents, many of whom are closely aligned with Mr Khatami's conservative foes.Origin align (1400-1500) French aligner, from ligne “line”a·lign verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  group, publicly a Corpus support political country, to




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