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单词 concertgoer
释义  Related topics: Musiccon·cert·go·er /ˈkɒnsətˌɡəʊə $ ˈkɑːnsərtˌɡoʊər/ noun [countable]  APMsomeone who often goes to concerts, or someone who is at a particular concert 音乐会的常客;听音乐会的人Examples from the Corpusconcertgoer• San Diego police took 21 Metallica concertgoers to a detox center and eight others were arrested for public drunkenness.• Ads for her current tour have suggested that concertgoers bring canned food for local food banks but specify vegetarian food only.con·cert·go·er nounChineseSyllable  who who Corpus often someone or someone to concerts, goes




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