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单词 concentrate
释义 Word family  noun concentration adjective concentrated verb concentrate  con·cen·trate1 /ˈkɒnsəntreɪt $ ˈkɑːn-/ ●●● S2 W2 AWL verb  1  [intransitive]ATTENTION to think very carefully about something that you are doing 专注,专心;集中注意力 → concentration Now please concentrate. 现在请集中注意力。 Adrian was finding it difficult to concentrate. 阿德里安觉得自己很难集中注意力。concentrate on Be quiet – let me concentrate on my homework. 安静点,让我专心做家庭作业。n GrammarYou concentrate on something: I’m trying to concentrate on my work. ✗Don’t say: I’m trying to concentrate in my work.2  HERE[intransitive, transitive] to be present in large numbers or amounts somewhere, or to cause people or things to be present in large numbers or amounts somewhere (使)集中于;(使)汇集于 → concentrationbe concentrated in/at something Italian industry is concentrated mainly in the north. 意大利的工业主要集中在北部。 Construction of the aircraft is being concentrated at Prestwick. 飞机制造正在向普雷斯特威克集中。concentrate in/at Women concentrate in a small number of occupations. 妇女集中在一小部分行业里。n Grammar Concentrate is usually passive in this meaning, when used as a transitive verb.3  something concentrates the mind if something concentrates the mind, it makes you think very clearly 某物使头脑清醒 Relaxing in a Jacuzzi concentrates the mind wonderfully. 在按摩浴缸里放松放松可以让头脑非常清醒。4. [transitive]LIQUID to make a substance or liquid stronger by removing some of the water from it 浓缩〔液体〕 → concentrated5 concentrate (something) on something phrasal verb ATTENTIONto give most of your attention or effort to one thing 把注意力集中于,全神贯注于 SYN focus on Doctors are aiming to concentrate more on prevention than cure. 医生打算把更多的精力放在疾病的预防而非治疗上。concentrate your efforts/attention/energy/mind etc on something I’m concentrating my efforts on writing my autobiography. 我正在集中精力写自传。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusconcentrate• I tried to read a few pages, but I found it hard to concentrate.• Okay, I'll stop talking so you can concentrate.• My general plan was now to concentrate all the force possible against the Confederate armies in the field.• About 600 people work on Unocal properties in the state, with most concentrated in the Central and Southern California areas.• The study concentrated on physics, not biology, Adams emphasized.• The analysis can be simplified by concentrating on the d.c. and fundamental components of voltage and current.• There were so many people talking that I couldn't concentrate on the music.• Sherman sat hunched forward and staring through the windshield, trying to concentrate on the traffic.• Founded in 1981, Softbank concentrated on two domestic markets: publishing and computer-software distribution.• Plant roots in the peats and estuarine sediments concentrate uranium in cell walls, especially in regions associated with transpiration processes.concentrate on• Turn off the TV, so you can concentrate on your homework.concentrate in/at• The minority population is concentrated in a few regions or states.• Democratic voters were also more likely to be concentrated in counties that did not check ballots for errors in the precinct.• Will they continue to be concentrated in large companies or will there be a growth in the relative importance of small firms?• And they are concentrated in some of the key battleground states for the presidential election.• Radium is readily absorbed into the body where it concentrates in the bone marrow and gives off very damaging alpha particles.• That volatility has risen as the stocks become increasingly concentrated in the hands of a relatively few mutual funds.• Then it can be argued that too much power is being concentrated in the hands of the minister.• We have concentrated in this chapter on theoretical approaches to the demand for sport.Related topics: Food, Industryconcentrate2 noun [countable, uncountable]  1 DFTIa substance or liquid which has been made stronger by removing most of the water from it 浓缩物;浓缩液 orange juice concentrate 浓缩橙汁Examples from the Corpusconcentrate• The fields became parched and brown and the cattle required additional concentrate feed much as they had done the previous year.• As they had need, they drew aside to let ore wagons pass with their loads of concentrate and matte.Origin concentrate1 (1600-1700) con- + Latin centrum “center”con·cen·trate1 verb →n GRAMMAR1 →n GRAMMAR2concentrate2 nounLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  about very something Corpus carefully to think




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