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单词 alienate
释义  a·li·en·ate /ˈeɪliəneɪt/ ●○○ verb [transitive]  1  SUPPORT A PERSON, GROUP, OR PLANto do something that makes someone unfriendly or unwilling to support you 使疏远,失去…的支持 The latest tax proposals will alienate many voters. 最新的纳税提案将失去远许多选民的支持。2  to make it difficult for someone to belong to a particular group or to feel comfortable with a particular person 使格格不入,疏远alienate somebody from something He felt that his experiences had alienated him from society. 他感到自己的经历令他与社会格格不入。 —alienated adjective Gina had become alienated from her family. 吉娜与家人疏远了。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusalienate• In the process, he alienated his wife and kids and began living in a motel room.• But, by courting them with such policies, they may alienate mainstream voters.• Jackson's comments alienated many baseball fans.• The situation brought out the viciousness in him, and I felt he was almost certainly going to alienate Émile for good.• He felt safer in the intellect, a fact that would at times alienate those who thought him arrogant or intolerant.a·li·en·ate verbChineseSyllable  unwilling to someone or do something Corpus unfriendly makes that




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