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单词 comprehensive school
释义  Related topics: Schoolˌcompreˈhensive ˌschool (also comprehensive) noun [countable]  SESa state school in Britain for children over the age of 11 of different abilities 〔英国招收年满11岁不同资质学生的公立〕综合中学 Kylie goes to the local comprehensive. 凯莉上的是当地的综合中学。 Nine out of ten secondary school children are in comprehensive schools. 的中学生在综合中学上学。Examples from the Corpuscomprehensive school• The first, and most orthodox, of these was the 11-18 comprehensive school.• Sessions will take place both indoors at the centre and outdoors on the adjacent comprehensive school playing fields.• Standing beside him in the playground of the brand new glitter-and-glass comprehensive school was Tina Shepherd.• Even in comprehensive school districts with significant economic diversity, economic integration is frequently an illusion.• But this aim proved to be too large and the northern comprehensive school, as it were, took over my interests.• I was permitted to use the office of one of the deputy heads in the comprehensive school as my base.ˌcompreˈhensive ˌschool nounChineseSyllable  for Britain children a Corpus in state school




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