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单词 comprehend
释义  com·pre·hend /ˌkɒmprɪˈhend $ ˌkɑːm-/ ●○○ verb [intransitive, transitive]  UNDERSTANDto understand something that is complicated or difficult 理解,领悟〔复杂或困难的事物〕 SYN understand, grasp, → comprehension She cannot comprehend the extent of the disaster. 她无法理解这场灾难的严重程度。 I did not fully comprehend what had happened. 我没有完全理解发生了什么事。comprehend what/how/why etc It may be hard to comprehend how much this gift means for my country. 可能很难想象上天的这个恩赐对我们国家来说意义有多大。comprehend that Finally, she comprehended that he wanted his pay. 她终于明白了他是想要工钱。► see thesaurus at understand RegisterIn everyday English, people usually say understand rather than comprehend: 在日常英语中,人们一般说understand,而不说comprehendI could understand most of what she was saying. 她说的话我大部分都听懂了。n GRAMMAR: Patterns with comprehend• Comprehend is often used in the negative, especially with can’t/cannot: I cannot comprehend why anyone would do that.• Comprehend is not used in the progressive. ✗Don’t say: I am not comprehending why anyone would do that.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuscomprehend• The dream is easy to describe, difficult to comprehend.• The pain of this incomplete ending of a relationship is impossible to comprehend.• A disposition to incremental change can deflect one from considering or even comprehending wider and more fundamental problems.• In industry I found the status system much more difficult to comprehend.• Take the time to read, comprehend, and evaluate the report.• God cannot truly be seen or comprehended by the human mind.• The chink in this otherwise disarming argument is that Nature exists only to the extent that we comprehend it.• A child can not comprehend the subtle difference between illegal segregation in the South and racial imbalance in the North.• Even scientists do not comprehend these phenomena.• The significance of the disappearance of the buffalo and the passenger pigeon was not fully comprehended until much later.• People did not comprehend what was happening, and there was genuine confusion over how to respond.comprehend that• Finally she comprehended that he wanted his pay.• My father failed to comprehend that his explanations were based as much upon faith as mine.• Such as he can not comprehend that which prompts others to give their heart free rein!Origin comprehend (1300-1400) Latin comprehendere “to take hold of completely”, from com- ( → COM-) + prehendere ( → PREHENSILE)com·pre·hend verb →n GRAMMAR1 →REGISTER1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  that understand complicated something Corpus to or is




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