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单词 composer
释义  Related topics: Musiccom·pos·er /kəmˈpəʊzə $ -ˈpoʊzər/ ●●○ noun [countable]  APMWRITEsomeone who writes music 作曲家 → compositionExamples from the Corpuscomposer• Enya as a composer drifts alone in uncharted ether.• I had no contacts that might be of use to a composer.• Henry Purcell was one of the greatest English composers.• My favourite composer is Beethoven.• Nowadays record companies use impeccable accounting techniques, assisted by computers, to calculate the royalties for composers.• Amelia likes German composers, particularly Wagner.• Human composers must envy the cat its ears.• When Leiber called Stoller, the composer was initially uncooperative.• The composers now working there have brought no preconceptions or hidebound conventions.• the composer Philip Glass• The composer requested a reproduction of a Hokusai print to be the cover design on the full orchestral score.• Trumpet, composer. b. New Orleans. 13 March·pos·er nounChineseSyllable  someone writes music Corpus who




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