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单词 complicity
释义  Related topics: Crime & lawcom·plic·i·ty /kəmˈplɪsəti/ noun [uncountable] formal  1  SCTAKE PART/BE INVOLVEDinvolvement in a crime, together with other people 〔罪案的〕共犯,同谋complicity in Jennings denied complicity in the murder. 詹宁斯否认自己参与了谋杀案。2  involvement in or knowledge of a situation, especially one that is morally wrong or dishonest 〔尤指对不道德或不诚实情况的〕串通,勾结,同谋complicity with His complicity with the former government had led to his downfall. 与上届政府的瓜葛使他身败名裂。 —complicit adjective The careers of officers complicit in the cover-up were ruined. 参与掩盖真相的那些官员前途被毁掉了。Examples from the Corpuscomplicity• The robot was working within the substance of the hydra and with its apparent complicity.• Larry blinked as the light left his face and laughed to show his complicity.• Here the degree of complicity is, and perhaps has to be, far higher than the viewer ever suspects.• One could survive only by silence and a strict refusal of complicity.• Dennis gave me the vague smile of complicity that men exchange in lavatorial situations.• At its worst, it amounts to complicity in crimes against humanity.complicity in• He was charged with complicity in the murder of Sayers.Origin complicity (1600-1700) French complicité, from Old French complice; → ACCOMPLICEcom·plic·i·ty nounChineseSyllable  together involvement people in other crime, with Corpus a




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