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单词 compelling
释义  com·pel·ling /kəmˈpelɪŋ/ ●○○ adjective  1  compelling reason/argument/case etc BELIEVEan argument etc that makes you feel certain that something is true or that you must do something about it 令人信服的理由/论点/论据等 Lucy had no compelling reason to go into town. 露西没有充分的理由去镇上。 The court was presented with compelling evidence that she’d murdered her husband. 有人向法庭出示了令人信服的证据,证明她谋杀了丈夫。2  INTERESTINGvery interesting or exciting, so that you have to pay attention 极为有趣的;令人激动的;引人入胜的 His life makes a compelling story. 他的一生是个引人入胜的故事。► see thesaurus at interesting3  compelling need/desire/urge (to do something) a strong need, desire etc to do something, making you feel that you must do it 强烈的需求/愿望/冲动(去做某事) He felt a compelling need to tell someone about his idea. 他迫不及待地要把这一想法告诉别人。 —compellingly adverbExamples from the Corpuscompelling• This approach to the nature of dreaming is highly compelling.• Freud's approach to the analysis of dreams is highly compelling.• But none of them is very compelling.• Orwell's 'Burmese Days' is a compelling account of life under British Colonial rule.• Sordid and diseased, perhaps, but there's already a compelling and coherent vision at work.• It's all great stuff, and compelling cinema.• He'd had the most compelling eyes she'd ever encountered.• The film was so compelling I could scarcely take my eyes off the screen for a second.• He'd have to have a much more compelling reason than that.• It is hard to find a more compelling reason to quit smoking than the fact that it affects your children's health.• There are compelling societal priorities and pressures to carry out policies of child protection.• a compelling storycompelling story• That he has not been doing this all his life is, of course, the point of this compelling·pel·ling adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus makes feel argument you that is something that an etc certain




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