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单词 compact disc player
释义  Related topics: Recordingˌcompact ˈdisc ˌplayer noun [countable]  TCRa CD player 激光唱机Examples from the Corpuscompact disc player• Thieves made off with a microwave oven, £200 cash, a compact disc player, television and video recorder.• We've fitted a compact disc player and protected it with a new security system.• One often felt assaulted, as if the volume had been turned up on a cheap compact disc player.• You might also want to add a cassette tape player or compact disc player, neither of which the tester had.• Read in studio Now, imagine being able to show a feature film on your television from an ordinary compact disc player.• They stole a television, compact disc player, an amplifier and some speakers, worth a total of £900.• It will also control lighting, curtains and the audio system with compact disc player.ˌcompact ˈdisc ˌplayer nounChineseSyllable  player CD Corpus a




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