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单词 committee
释义  com·mit·tee /kəˈmɪti/ ●●● S3 W1 noun  [countable]GROUP OF PEOPLE a group of people chosen to do a particular job, make decisions etc 委员会committee of the International Committee of the Red Cross 国际红十字会committee on a ministerial committee on security affairs 安全事务部长委员会on a committee He’s on the finance committee. 他在财政委员会任职。 a committee meeting 委员会会议n GRAMMAR: Singular or plural verb?• Committee is usually followed by a singular verb: The management committee meets regularly.• In British English, you can also use a plural verb: The management committee meet regularly. COLLOCATIONSverbsa committee meets (=has a meeting) 委员会举行会议The environmental health committee will meet again next Wednesday. 环境卫生委员会将于下周三再次举行会议。be on a committee (=be a member of a committee) 是委员会的成员I was on the parents' committee at my kids' school. 去年我是我孩子学校家长委员会的成员。serve/sit on a committee (=be a member of an important committee) 在委员会里任职Our organization is always in need of volunteers to serve on the committee. 我们机构一直需要志愿者加入委员会。chair a committee (=be the person in charge of a committee) 主持委员会工作Professor Peacock was appointed to chair the committee. 皮科克教授被任命主持委员会的工作。appoint/set up/form a committee 任命/成立委员会nThe council appointed a special committee to study the issue.join a committee 加入委员会nI was invited to join a committee to plan the summer carnival.nleave a committeeAfter three years, she decided to leave the committee.nstand down from a committee (=leave it)Everyone was sorry when he stood down from the committee.committee + NOUNa committee meeting 委员会会议There's a committee meeting once a month. 委员会会议每月召开一次。a committee member 委员会成员Four committee members did not attend the meeting. 四名委员会成员没有参加会议。the committee chairman/chair 委员会主席nThere will be a new committee chairman next year.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + committeea special committee 特别委员会A special committee of scientists was set up to study the disease. 成立了一个由科学家组成的特别委员会来研究这种疾病。an executive committee (=that manages an organization and makes decisions for it) 执行委员会He sat on the firm's Executive Committee. 他在公司的执行委员会里任职。an advisory committee 咨询委员会na government advisory committeea standing committee (=a permanent one) 常务委员会a joint committee (=involving two or more groups) 联合委员会a steering committee (=one that directs a particular activity) 督导委员会a select committee (=one of politicians and advisers who look at a particular subject) 专责委员会a management committee 管理委员会nThe scheme will be overseen by a management committee.a government/departmental/ministerial committee 政府/部门/部长委员会a planning committee British English (=one that considers requests to build new buildings) 规划委员会nSeveral concerns were raised at the planning committee.the finance/education etc committee 财务/教育等委员会Examples from the Corpuscommittee• She's been on the Church committee for 20 years.• The finance committee has decided to raise membership fees for next season.• the Senate Armed Forces Committee• The pro-incorporation committee folks argue that nobody who opposed incorporation should be appointed to the council -- once more demonstrating their exclusivity.• In the House, for example, there were 634 persons on committee staffs in 1967.• Step forward Tom Pendry, who chairs the Labour Party sports committee.• Bill Dean has been elected chairman of the committee.• They had held a site meeting on Thursday and he had turned up instead of the committee chairman they were expecting.• The committee includes people such as Elliott Shurgin, general manager of index services.• In addition, procedural reforms in the 1970s transformed the relationship between chairmen and their committee colleagues.• All high cost drugs are already rationed in hospitals through drug and therapeutics committees and clinical pharmacy services.• A welcoming committee greets newcomers to the Parkside neighborhood.on a committee• So we will go on as long as there is a man who will act on a committee.• Being asked to go on a committee may be something we tend to shy away from at first.• In the House, for example, there were 634 persons on committee staffs in 1967.• The Democratic party's demands include equal representation on committees, but they have yet to win Republican agreement to this.• He then served on committees to set up a republican government and abolish kingship and the House of Lords.• Too much time is spent on committees, teams, and meetings, according to some.• Yes, he holds the least votes on committee in Security.• These different factions have debated the issues for many years on committee after committee without resolving the problems.From Longman Business Dictionarycommitteecom‧mit‧tee /kəˈmɪti/ noun [countable] a group of people within an organization such as a government, company, or political party who have been chosen or elected in order to do a particular job, take decisions etcThey will discuss the issue at a committee meeting next month, He resigned as chairman of the committee but remains a committee member. → compliance committee → creditors' committee → executive committee → management committee → political action committee → select committee → selection committee → steering committee → see also Federal Open Market CommitteeOrigin committee (1600-1700) committee “person something is committed to” ((15-17 centuries)), from commitcom·mit·tee noun →n GRAMMAR1 →COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  do Corpus people of group a a particular chosen to Business




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