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单词 comfortable
释义 Word family  noun comfort discomfort comforter adjective comfortable ≠ uncomfortable comforting verb comfort adverb comfortably ≠ uncomfortably comfortingly  com·fort·a·ble /ˈkʌmftəbəl, ˈkʌmfət- $ ˈkʌmfərt-, ˈkʌmft-/ ●●● S2 W3 adjective  1  furniture/places/clothes etc 家具/地方/衣服等COMFORTABLE making you feel physically relaxed, without any pain or without being too hot, cold etc 舒适的,令人舒服的 → comfortcomfortable chair/bed/sofa etc The bed wasn’t particularly comfortable. 这床不大舒服。comfortable room/lounge/hotel etc Joyce has a comfortable apartment in Portland. 乔伊丝在波特兰有一套舒适的公寓。comfortable clothes/shoes/boots etc Wear loose comfortable clothing. 要穿宽松、舒适的衣服。comfortable to wear/use/sit on etc Linen is very comfortable to wear. 亚麻布穿起来非常舒服。2  physically relaxed 身体放松的COMFORTABLE feeling physically relaxed, without any pain or without being too hot, cold etc 〔人〕舒适的,舒坦的 → comfort I was so comfortable and warm in bed I didn’t want to get up. 床上又舒服又暖和,我都不想起来。 Sit down and make yourself comfortable. 坐下来,别拘束。 With difficulty, she rolled her body into a more comfortable position. 她费力地翻过身,换了个比较舒服的姿势。3  confident 自信的 [not before noun]WORRIED confident, relaxed, and not worried 自信的,自在的comfortable with She’s never felt very comfortable with men. 她和男人在一起一直都觉得不是很自在。 In our business, we need people who are comfortable in an unstructured environment. 我们这个行业需要的是能在松散的环境里应付自如的人。4  money 钱RICH having enough money to buy the things you need or want, without having to worry about how much they cost 宽裕的,小康的comfortable life/retirement/existence etc Jean’s looking forward to a comfortable retirement. 琼盼望着能过上宽裕的退休生活。5  competition/vote 竞赛/选举 [usually before noun]EASY if you have a comfortable win or lead, you win or are leading by a large amount 〔获胜〕轻松的;〔领先〕大幅度的comfortable win/victory The pair had a comfortable win, beating the German team by nearly three seconds. 这对选手赢得很轻松,以将近三秒的优势击败了德国队。 The bill should pass in the House by a comfortable margin. 这项议案应该能在下议院以明显的优势轻松通过。 Another penalty from Roberts gave the home team a comfortable half-time lead. 罗伯茨的又一个点球使主队在上半场结束时轻松领先。6. ill/injured 生病的/受伤的 [not before noun]PAIN if someone who is ill or injured is comfortable, they are not in too much pain 〔患者或伤者〕感觉不太疼痛的n COLLOCATIONSnounschair/bed/sofa etcIs that chair comfortable?bedroom/lounge etcThe bedroom was large and comfortable with a view of the river.home/hotel/apartment etcThis is a friendly and comfortable hotel.comfortable clothes/shoes/boots etcYou’ll need comfortable shoes for walking around the city.a comfortable positionWhen driving, make sure you are seated in a comfortable position.comfortable surroundings (=comfortable things around you)Relax in the comfortable surroundings of the hotel.phrasescomfortable to wear/use/ride etcMy bike isn’t very comfortable to ride.warm and comfortableThe house is warm and comfortable even in winter.verbsfeel comfortableYou’ll probably feel most comfortable wearing cotton clothes.look comfortableThat sofa looks wonderfully comfortable.make something comfortableThere are lots of ways you can make your home more comfortable to live in. THESAURUScomfortable making you feel physically relaxed, and not too hard, hot, cold etc. Also used about people feeling physically relaxed 舒适的,令人舒服的;〔人〕感到舒服的The hotel was very comfortable. 这家宾馆非常舒适。I tried to get into a more comfortable position. 我试图换个比较舒服的姿势。comfy informal comfortable – used especially about furniture and clothes 〔尤指家具和衣服〕舒服的,舒适的a comfy armchair 一把舒适的扶手椅These shoes are very comfy. 这双鞋子非常舒服。Are you comfy? 你舒服吗?cosy British English, cozy American English comfortable and warm – used especially about small rooms, houses etc 〔尤指小房间、小屋等〕温暖舒适的There’s a cosy lounge with a real fire. 客厅里生着炉火,温暖而舒适。a cozy apartment 温暖舒适的公寓snug small, warm, and comfortable, especially in a way that makes you feel protected – used especially about rooms, houses etc. Also used about people feeling warm and comfortable 〔尤指房间、房子等〕小而温暖舒适的;〔人〕感觉温暖舒适的It was very cold outside, but our tents were snug and warm. 外面非常冷,但我们的帐篷里却是温暖而舒适的。She wished she was back in her snug little house. 她多么希望回到她那温暖舒适的小屋啊。I’m snug as a bug in a rug in here! (=very snug – used in informal British English) 我在这里太舒服了!smooth a smooth journey is comfortable because your car or plane does not shake, or the sea is not rough 〔旅途〕顺畅的,平稳的Did you have a smooth flight? 飞行平稳吗?a smooth crossing 平稳渡海COLLOCATIONS CHECKcomfortable chair/bed/house/position/personcomfy chair/clothes/personcosy room/house/firesnug room/house/personsmooth journey/crossing/flightExamples from the Corpuscomfortable• The Austins aren't rich, but they're comfortable.• Since the flues were not used to heat the rooms in the summer, he could be made reasonably comfortable.• Can you wait for a moment while I change into something more comfortable.• Joyce has a comfortable apartment in Portland.• She has a big comfortable apartment overlooking Central Park.• Thomas can sleep on the sofa, but I'm afraid it's not as comfortable as a bed.• He had supposed Mrs Mack to have been in comfortable circumstances, so he was surprised when he saw her tiny apartment.• Last night, he was said to be in a comfortable condition.• He said he felt very comfortable during the long journey.• My wife and I are very lucky, really, we're comfortable, even though we're both retired.• They usually focus on one of three areas: normal eating; comfortable exercise; or improved body image.• You'll probably be more comfortable if you tilt the seat back.• They've had a much more comfortable life since she started her new job.• The bill should pass in the House by a comfortable margin.• The truck gives you a surprisingly comfortable ride.• comfortable shoes• "Did you have a good flight?" "Yes, very comfortable thank you."• Our new sofa is really comfortable to sit on.• My presence in the government is quite logical, and I feel comfortable where I am..• Sit down and make yourselves comfortable while I get us some coffee.• But we must own it and feel comfortable with it or nothing will happen.• At fifty-two he had long ago found his style, and was more than comfortable with it.• Japanese is the language he's most comfortable with.comfortable clothes/shoes/boots etc• She is in constant pursuit of ways in which to accentuate male sexuality and to provide men with comfortable clothes.• They gave her dresses and stockings, comfortable shoes.• Good comfortable boots are essential, as are map and compass and the ability to navigate.• Her long black hair and comfortable clothes are the unruffled badge of the artist and beatnik, be she fifteen or fifty.• Horton, a big white man dressed in colorful, comfortable clothes, came back to say hello and welcome him.• Jay was a solid woman, dressed in dark loose comfortable clothes that hid a multitude of sins.• Wear comfortable shoes; you may be doing some walking or standing for long periods of time.• Take strong and comfortable shoes - you will find cobbled streets everywhere. all summer long!comfortable position• All day long, boys and girls sat on the buffaloes' backs, lounging in expertly comfortable positions.• She patted a pillow behind her, trying to arrange it in a more comfortable position.• She eased to a more comfortable position against the angle of the ground and schooled herself to wait.• He left his comfortable position as spiritual advisor to Madame de Gondi and began to work as a minister to galley slaves.• But after Gaveston's execution in June 1312 he returned to a more comfortable position at the king's side.• Before you put your key in the ignition, make sure you are seated in a comfortable position for driving.• The most comfortable position was to stand up.• These are specially designed to cradle the fish securely in a comfortable position without wiping away a great deal of their protective mucous.felt ... comfortable• Despite the fact that Johannesburg is situated some 5,000 feet above sea level, I felt comfortable.• He said he felt very comfortable during the long journey.• Whenever he felt comfortable, he was very loving and affectionate with his parents.• A study of hospital administrators found that it took individuals eighteen months before they felt comfortable in that far less demanding role.• Manion felt comfortable with the pitch he was giving Karen.• I felt luxuriously comfortable with them, a child safe in a parent's lap.• They felt comfortable worn next to the skin.comfortable life/retirement/existence etc• He wanted me to get a good job and live a quiet, comfortable life.• We realize that the average auto worker leads a comfortable life.• Key among them is the problem facing most developed countries of how to fund reasonably comfortable retirements for an increasingly long-lived population.• He has a comfortable life in west Los Angeles; he dates a movie mogul's ex-wife; he wants for nothing.• Although she was from a well-to-do family and could have led a very comfortable life, Judith had chosen otherwise.• Moira had turned his comfortable life on its head.• He'd looked forward to a comfortable retirement with his wife Audrey.• Uh, for a comfortable retirement you should plan on having accumulated at least ten times your peak annual income.comfortable ... lead• Another penalty from Roberts gave Gloucester a comfortable half-time lead.• Southampton didn't have much in the tank to reply and Leeds were comfortable in the lead.• Barnes added a further penalty to give Portadown a comfortable 10-0 lead at half-time.• After two rounds, Duvergel had a comfortable lead on points with the gold medal plainly in sight.• While Clinton has a comfortable lead over Dole in recent national surveys, the Kansas senator is expected to win·fort·a·ble adjective →n COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  you Corpus without feel relaxed, pain or making any physically




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