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单词 come on
释义  → See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuscome on• Oh come on! We don't have all day!• Come on, you two, we're going to be late.come on!• Come on! We're already late!• Here boy, come on Pecos, good dog.come on in/over/up etc• Sure, I said, come on over.• It sounded good, it felt good to say, it made lights come on in my mouth.• A light suddenly comes on in the closet, revealing the hidden police officers Loach and Escobar.• Street lights were starting to come on in the distance, crimson slivers slowly brightening to orange.• Suddenly, all the lights came on in the hospital and they eventually opened a side-door and let her in.• Lights came on in the Mootwalk shops as one by one they began to open.• It sometimes comes on in the open air.• Automatic lights had come on in various parts of the house.come on strong• The Republicans were coming on strong.• But the defense came on strong in the playoffs.• He'd come on strong towards the end of his round to pull up within a shot of us.ˈcome-on noun [countable usually singular] informal  ATTRACTED TO somebodysomething that someone does deliberately to make someone else sexually interested in them 引诱,诱惑,勾引 Rick’s the kind of guy who thinks every smile is a come-on. 里克是那种认为别人笑一笑就是勾引他的家伙。give somebody the come-on (=do something to show you are sexually interested in someone) 勾引某人 → come on to somebody/something at come onExamples from the Corpuscome-on• But his basic belief was so widespread that gay men themselves sometimes used it as a come-on.• The free stationery is just a come-on; we want to get kids writing to penpals around the world.• It's a come-on for their other-paid-for-services.• Instead there was true obscenity, the obscenity of deceitfulness and come-on lies.• Four years ago, he was a bit tentative in his come-on.• Will women respond to the Republicans' simplistic come-on?• Hoping against hope that she was giving him the come-on at last, he readily accepted.• Others want to keep him in action where he is, a historical fact and tourist come-on.• But it's the undertow of precocious sexuality, the child-woman come-on, that's more worrying.give somebody the come-on• Hoping against hope that she was giving him the come-on at last, he readily accepted.ˈcome-on nounChineseSyllable  to make someone deliberately that Corpus does something




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