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单词 coherence
释义 Word family  noun coherence ≠ incoherence adjective coherent ≠ incoherent verb cohere adverb coherently ≠ incoherently  co·her·ence /kəʊˈhɪərəns $ koʊˈhɪr-/ AWL (also coherency /-rənsi/) noun [uncountable]  1  LOGICALwhen something such as a piece of writing is easy to understand because its parts are connected in a clear and reasonable way 连贯(性),条理(性),一致(性) An overall theme will help to give your essay coherence. 一个总的主题将有助于使文章连贯紧凑。 He had a coherence of outlook and thought. 他的观点和想法条理清晰。2  UNITEif a group has coherence, its members are connected or united because they share common aims, qualities, or beliefs 凝聚力 A common religion ensures the coherence of the tribe. 共同的宗教信仰确保了该部落的凝聚力。Examples from the Corpuscoherence• By 1924, the party had lost all discipline and coherence.• What kind of stability and coherence do we have?• All magazines and newspapers are a kind of conjuring trick - they put a gloss of coherence upon chaos.• Furthermore, Oakeshott's notion of tradition does contain within it - in the idea of coherence - criteria of self-reflection.• It is a challenge to tell these separate stories without losing overall coherence.• I suggest, following Lakatos, that the crucial difference lies in the relative coherence of the two theories.• To what extent, therefore, should be continue to seek coherence of theme or form within the exhibition mode of exposition?• This book presents a lens through which to view the emergent corrective efforts so that their coherence might become more·her·ence nounChineseSyllable  easy something a writing Corpus is of such to when as piece




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