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单词 coal-black
释义  ˌcoal-ˈblack adjective  very dark black 乌黑的,漆黑的 coal-black eyes 乌黑的眼睛Examples from the Corpuscoal-black• The man who stood there was dark with coal-black eyes.• A beautiful coal-black face, strong, intense, with a thin, carefully trimmed mustache.• Chapter Thirteen Lou had allowed her coal-black hair to grow into a softer, more feminine style that flattered her small features.• Only the odd light burned, a warning to any other craft travelling the canals on the coal-black night.• Orange flames burst from the root of his right wing and billowed back toward the tail, turning into coal-black smoke.• They were wrapped in coal-black tissue paper that rustled when she touched it.ˌcoal-ˈblack adjectiveChineseSyllable  dark Corpus very black




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