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单词 cliffhanger
释义  cliff·hang·er /ˈklɪfˌhæŋə $ -ər/ noun [countable]  LONG TIMEa situation in a story, film, or competition that makes you feel very excited or nervous because you do not know what will happen or have to wait a long time to see how it will end 〔故事、电影、比赛等的〕悬念 Tonight’s vote may be a cliffhanger. 今晚的投票可能会到最后方见分晓。 the episode’s cliffhanger ending 这一集吊人胃口的结尾 —cliffhanging adjectiveExamples from the Corpuscliffhanger• In fact, it ends in a cliffhanger.• Malcome and Jones are in cliffhanger re-election races.• In the last cliffhanger, downstairs lover Tony Head was caught sharing his Gold Blend nightcap with a mystery lady.• He turns a daunting running time to advantage, crafting each episode into a romantic cliffhanger.• Actors have been told to keep the show's cliffhanger ending a secret.• Give them an election-year cliffhanger!cliff·hang·er nounChineseSyllable  in or film, a situation competition Corpus a story,




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