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单词 cite
释义 Word family  noun citation verb cite  Related topics: Lawcite /saɪt/ ●●○ AWL verb [transitive] formal  1  MENTIONto mention something as an example, especially one that supports, proves, or explains an idea or situation 引证,援引 The judge cited a 1956 Supreme Court ruling in her decision. 法官在她的判决中引用了1956年最高法院的一项裁决。cite something as something Several factors have been cited as the cause of the unrest. 好几个因素被引证为这次动乱的起因。► see thesaurus at mention2  REPEATto give the exact words of something that has been written, especially in order to support an opinion or prove an idea 引用,引述 SYN quote The passage cited above is from a Robert Frost poem. 以上的引文出自罗伯特•弗罗斯特的一首诗。3  SCLto order someone to appear before a court of law 〔法院〕传召,传讯 SYN summoncite somebody for something Two managers had been cited for similar infractions. 两名经理因为类似的违法行为而受到传讯。4  British EnglishSCLMENTION to mention someone by name in a court case 〔诉讼中〕提及 Sue was cited in the divorce proceedings. 这场离婚诉讼案中正式提到了休。5  MENTIONto mention someone because they deserve praise 嘉奖;表扬,表彰cite somebody (for something) Garcia was cited for her work with disabled children. 加西亚因她为残疾儿童所做的工作而受到表彰。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuscite• Britain is often cited as an example of a declining industrial power.• Davis cites Bureau of Labor projections: more than 1.25 million jobs in these sectors will be created each year through 2006.• However Matthew 18:15, cited earlier, tells us that is our responsibility when things are going wrong.• The report contained details of the poison gas and cited examples of accidents involving it.• I can cite several recent racial attacks which prove my point.• Opponents of missile defense will cite the miss as proof that politics has been driving the development schedule.• Mosk, though a loyal liberal Democrat, demurred, citing the right of free political association.• Many a case can be cited where business strategies of this kind have utterly failed.cite something as something• Wolfe cited Buick as a company that is working to attract older customers.cite somebody for something• Twenty television programs were cited for excellence by Action for Children's Television.• Two protesters were cited for illegal camping.From Longman Business Dictionarycitecite /saɪt/ verb [transitive] to mention something as an example, especially in order to support, prove, or explain what you are sayingThe report cites the case of Sweden, where following the liberalization of the postal service, around 1,000 new jobs were created.→ See Verb tableOrigin cite (1400-1500) French citer, from Latin citare “to cause to move, excite, order to come”cite verbChinese  that something Corpus to one mention example, as Business an especially




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