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单词 churchman
释义  Related topics: Christianitychurch·man /ˈtʃɜːtʃmən $ ˈtʃɜːrtʃ-/ noun (plural churchmen /-mən/) [countable]  RRCa priest 牧师;神职人员 SYN clergymanExamples from the Corpuschurchman• The last major drainage operation in the medieval period, however, was instigated by a churchman.• Markham's certainly not a churchman, though of course the Cumbermounds are the leading lay family in the county.• From a clerical family background, he also became a leading lay Anglican churchman.• That famous churchman Arnold of Rugby put a stamp upon independent education which helped to produce this consequence.• He was a high churchman for whom the sacrament of holy communion was the supreme moment of worship.• He withstood the intrusion upon the Honiton corporation by the high churchman Sir Thomas Putt.• A worthy churchman more addicted to hunting than to·man nounChineseSyllable  a priest Corpus




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